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Counselor's Corner

​​A generation ago, counselors often worked only in high schools. Their job was to help students choose courses and plan for life after graduation. School counselors still do those things in high schools, but now they do much more. Counselors know that students need good mental health, as well as good physical health, to be productive learners. They are a key part of the educational team in schools. Your child’s school counselor can help your child with:

  • Academics

  • Solving problems

  • Making decisions

  • Coping skills 

  • Setting goals

  • Making plans

  • Counseling sessions

  • Referrals

  • Finding support



The school curriculum and materials are based on the California content standards. These include online courses, paper based materials, discussion boards, and hands on projects. Opportunities for physical education, enrichment, and extracurricular activities are also offered. The Charter school will select resources from state adopted materials database for English, Math, Science, and Social Studies to ensure alignment between curriculum, standards, courses, and materials. 


Students in 8th grade are required to take one elective. Students are offered several online electives so they can explore their interests to embark on a personal journey of self-discovery before entering high school.   




All SCALE students will earn a diploma of graduation from high school after completing state and district requirements equaling 230 credits.


Repeat classes do not replace previously earned grades; therefore, all grades are averaged for determination of GPA. Students taking Honors or Advanced Placement courses will earn extra grade points as determined by the Board of Directors.


Graduation requirements may change as determined by the board of directors, without need for material revision of the charter.


To view SCALE Leadership Academy East's approved A-G course list, please click here.


To view the A-G requirements, please click here.


Our NCAA  High School Code is 851918. Please use this code to search for our approved NCAA course list.  

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